Seacoast Board of REALTORS®Educational Programs
The NH Real Estate Commission requires 15 hours of approved New Hampshire continuing education credits. One of these courses must be the three-hour New Hampshire Core Course. Contact the NH RE Commission for information.
Pre-registration with your check or credit card (Visa or M/C) for all classes is required to reserve your seat. Credit Card # required to hold spot in all Free Classes. Notification to cancel is required and must be received no later than the Friday before, otherwise payment is required and your credit card will be billed.
The NH and Maine Real Estate Commissions require that you must be present for the entire 3 hour course presentation in order to receive credits, latecomers will not receive credit.
As of February 1, 2015, all Continuing Education Courses presented at the Seacoast Board are offered to members of the Board at no cost. This is a Member Benefit and only being offered to Members in Good Standing of the Seacoast Board of REALTORS®.
These are the courses brought to you by the Education Committee and held at the Board Office.
Courses offered by Instructors that Lease the Board Classroom are not included in this offer.
Register Today
To register for a class, log in to your members portal by clicking the icon or following the link below:
Please call us for verification if you do not receive confirmation of your registration.
Since space is limited, registrations for courses will be on a first-come basis and a credit card will be needed to reserve a chair. Payment can be made by logging in to your members portal above. Any cancellations will be required by the Friday prior to the Course and all no-shows at the event will be responsible for the $25.00 course fee.
Any cancellations will be required by the Friday prior to the Course and all no-shows at the event will be responsible for the $25.00 course fee.
All Upcoming Educational Program Events
Education Calendar
Financing Disasters (and how to avoid them!)
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
3 NH & Maine CEUs -Understanding of key contract dates and how to avoid a breach of contract -Best practices to eliminate financing disasters -How to set you & your buyers up for success Maine: FI325C001LE New Hampshire: E2693
AI in Real Estate
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
Non-CEU. In this 90-minute workshop, we’ll break down how to use ChatGPT for real estate marketing without losing the personal touch that sets you apart. You’ll learn: • What AI can and can’t do for your marketing • How to craft prompts to get the ...
Identify & Manage Liability in a Real Estate Transaction
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
3 NH CEUs Instructor: Anita Hill
Adapting to NAR(R) Settlement Changes'
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
3 NH and Maine CEUS Stay updated and compliant with the NAR(R) Settlement through our targeted training course, designed specifically for real estate agents seeking clarity and confidence in their professional practices. This course covers the critical ...
All About Service Animals
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
3 NH, Maine, VT CEUs. Instructor: Shannon Aldrich This course will explore the multiple issues surrounding service animals and other assistance animals in real estate. You will learn about the differentiating the many types of assistance animals, ...
Top Ten Closing Disasters to Avoid
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
3 CEUs NH & Maine This Class meets the First Time Licensing Renewal Disclosures requirement
Millenium Homes & Fireplace and Chimney
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
2 classes in one go! Kurtis Grasset from Norway Hill home Inspections. First learn Millenium Homes: For Real Estate Agents then a 1 hour class Fireplaces and Chimneys for a total of 3 NH CEUs.
Manufacture Homes: What to Do and What Know
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Instructor: Steve Bousquet 3 CEUS NH, ME and VT
Code of Ethics: Our Promise of Professionalism
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
With instructor Steve Bousquet from the Real Estate Institute 3 CEUs both NH & Maine. Meets NAR Ethics requirement
Tackling Tough Conversations with Kelly
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
3 NH CEUs. Explore different tough scenarios you can face in Real Estate and work through the best way to navigate them.
Procuring Causes with John Doran
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
3 NH CEUs OPLC: E #1982: A consumer dealing with a licensee who understands the issues of procuring cause is less likely to end up embroiled in the middle of a conflict between licensees over commissions. A licensee who knows procuring cause can better ...