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February 2022

February 2022


PORTSMOUTH---February single-family and condominium inventory fell to
record lows in the 13 Sample Seacoast Towns resulting in modest sales
volume, according to statistics just released by the Seacoast Board of

The 13 Sample Seacoast Towns are Exeter, Greenland, Hampton, Hampton
Falls, New Castle, Newfields, Newington, North Hampton, Newmarket,
Portsmouth, Rye, Seabrook, and Stratham.

With a paltry 42 active listings at month’s end, February produced just 34
sales, fewest since 2018. Still, million-dollar-plus sales continued to buck
the trend with nine closings, the most ever in February and the second
straight record month for this price bracket.

For the month, sales fell 34.6% from last year at a median price of
$612,000, up 9.7% from 2021. For the year, single-family sales are off
31.3% and the median sale price of $565,000 is off 3.9% from 2021.

At month’s end there were just 45 active condominium listings. The 24
sales represent a nine-year low, off 52% from last year. The monthly
median of $447,500 is 20.7% ahead of 2021. For the year, condominium
sales are off 33.3% but the monthly median is up 39.5% at $530,000.

“Our market continues to be difficult and challenging for buyers,” said
Seacoast Board of REALTORS President Jessica Ritchie. “It’s obviously a
great time for potential sellers to step up.”

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