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November 2022

November 2022


PORTSMOUTH — November sales of single-family homes in the 13-Sample
Seacoast Towns slid to the lowest November level since 2015, despite a

November record 22 sales of $1 million dollars or more, according to statistics just
released by the Seacoast Board of Realtors.
The 13 Sample Seacoast Towns are Exeter, Greenland, Hampton, Hampton Falls,
New Castle, Newfields, Newington, North Hampton, Newmarket, Portsmouth, Rye,
Seabrook and Stratham.

November single-family volume, while off 11.7% from last year, was actually up
5.6% from last month, thanks in part to monthly record activity in the million-
plus-dollar category. That activity included eights sales more than $2 million and
the month’s biggest sale at 133 Little Harbor Road, New Castle, for $5.08 million
dollars. The month ends with the most active November inventory in three years.

November’s median price of $715,000 is up 8.6% from last year and the second
straight month that the median price exceeded $700,000. For the year, total sales
volume is off 15.1% while the 11-month cumulative median price of $679,900 is
up 10.6% from last year.

November condominium sales are down 20% from a year ago, although the
monthly median price of $584,623 is a robust 40.8% increase from 2021. Like
single-family sales, condominium sales rose 29.6% from last month. Still, for the
year, condominium sales are off 15.7% but the median sale price is up a healthy

“November saw an increase in activity despite the year over year decline,“ said
Jessica Ritchie, Seacoast Board of Realtors president. “The good news is that
active inventory is ever so slightly increasing. Still, at the end of the day, interest
rates are having a significant impact on buyers who need financing.

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